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Saturday, August 1, 2009

English Novel Reading Programme

We have received 8 new titles for the English Novel Reading Programme. The following is the list of books available:

  1. Izzy, Willy-nilly
  2. Dicey's Song (Tillerman Series)
  3. Homecoming (Tillerman Series)
  4. A Solitary Blue (Tillerman Series)
  5. Seventeen against the Dealer (Tillerman Series)
  6. Bucking the Sarge
  7. The Outsiders
  8. Athletic Shorts: Six Short Stories
  9. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff: Stories of Tough Times and Lessons Learned
  10. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: The Real Deal Challenges, Stories about Disses, Losses, Messes, Stresses & More
  11. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul IV
  12. Teen Ink 2: More Voices, More Visions

Please see Pn Maslinda or Pn Siti Sarah to borrow the books. You are allowed to keep the book for 1 month. Don't forget to fill in the record of borrowing. Please take very good care of the book! Happy Reading!

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