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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Express Yourself! "Science is Fun!"

Hello readers..!!

Do you know anything about science? Where does science come from? Is science important to us? Does it give any benefit? What is the interesting thing in science that can attract us to know more about science? What happens to those who don't learn science?

These are the questions that we can ask about science. Well, as we know, scientific theories were discovered by many scientists around the world, such as Newton, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and so on. For me, science is like magic. There are many things that we don't expect to happen are actually happening. That’s why I said that science is a very fun subject to learn.

Secondly, science is a very fun subject to learn because it gives us skills to memorize many specific terms, for example in biology, we can memorize specific terms such as peristalsis, hydrolysis, and so on. In biology also, we can try to do many experiments that involve animals such as frogs and rats.

In these experiments, we can operate the animals and make observations. Through these observations, we can imagine how our body system works.

But what about chemistry? Isn’t chemistry fun? Well, chemistry is also fun when we try to learn about it. There are many things we can learn about chemistry especially about solutions. In chemistry we can learn whether the solution is acidic, alkaline or neutral. We also can know about the solution that is dangerous which can corrode our hands. But somehow, still there are pupils who don't believe about the solution that can corrode our hands. Well, experiments are also carried out in chemistry. One of the experiments that we can make is a double composition experiment. This experiment tells us about the mixing of solution: when we mix two solutions, two things are produced: soluble salt and insoluble salt. Well, before this, have we given a thought about it? That is the reason why we must learn science.

Physics is also one of the interesting science subjects. Do you know who found physics theory? The first man that discovers the Physics Theory is Albert Einstein. This man is the father of physics. There are many theories of physics that we can learn. One of the physics theories is metaphysics. Well, physics is closely related to our life. Even though we just make a little experiment in physics we can see the concept of Physics realised in front of our own eyes. One of the physics concepts that we can see is when we see when a car driver uses the emergency break, the passengers will move forward. This demonstrates the concept of Inertia.

In conclusion, there are many interesting things that we will know when we learn science.
I hope all the information given will give many benefits to all the readers. Thank you.

Ahmad Helmi
5 Adil

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