But the ones who did must be in vain. I know how it felt, of course - I dealt with it most of the time.
Even though the peer pressure on me isn’t that bad, but guess what? There’s always worse.
What made me write about this is when Ms Maslinda gave the class a sheet of paper about adolescence. In the worksheet, there’s an opinion from a guy named Michael who believes that the biggest problem most teenagers face is peer pressure. He mentions how the victims of peer pressure are picked on when they wear different types of clothing or listen to different kinds of music.
When I read this, one name popped in my head: Bill Kaulitz.
He’s not that well known here in Malaysia, but he is one of the most well known artists in the whole wild world.
At a young age, Bill formed a band called Tokio Hotel (they are not Japanese, they are Germans!). And with the hit single “durch den monsun”, it happened as fast as lightning, they became big stars in France , Budapest , Arabia , Russia , America , Britain and more. The most amazing thing is that he will be only 20 years old this September. He even has a wax figure in Spain (the youngest to have a wax figure).
But behind all that success, he went through a tough teenage life. Why?

Because he looked like this when he was 15:
No, I don’t know how long it took to produce that hair, no, I don’t know how much gel he used and I’m not trying to tell you to look like him.
The story was, he was the only one who looked like this when he was still in school. He dyed his hair black (he was naturally blonde) , he painted his fingernails, he wore more make up than a girl, and he certainly was picked on, hard.
Not even his teachers could accept him looking like that (who could blame them? But the school rules were not strict, he didn’t break any school rules either.)
He said that he didn’t really care because he was ready to face all the consequences of dressing like that. He didn’t even blame anyone for disliking him because of his looks. He didn’t complain when people started to laugh at him, or run away from him. He said he was doing what he wanted and he accepted everything that he had gone through.
And I think that’s what the victims of peer pressure should do.
Accept and ignore.
You are stronger when you stand on your own two feet. You can prove that you are not weak. You can prove that it is not you who have problems, it’s them.
Discrimination is harsh in every aspect, but as I said before, be proud to be you. You are original, you are you. And no one can take that away from you.
Right now, I know some of you might have hesitated. Bill does look like the culprit of peer pressure right?
Well, as they said, don’t judge a book by its cover.
I’m very sure he’s not a culprit.

Why? Because this is his elder IDENTICAL twin brother, Tom Kaulitz :
Yes, total opposite!
It is his twin brother, trust me.
They look totally different, that’s obvious.
But Tom has always been Bill’s best friend. They’re inseparable. Yet, they look so different, even today. That’s another example I want to point out.
Accepting others. Bill accepts his brother for who he is. They have the strongest bond any siblings should have. They faced the world together; they survived peer pressure without a scratch. I think that’s very admirable.
Just like Susan Boyle, people thought the band would never make it because they started with insufficient instruments, an image that’s hard to be accepted, and yes, Bill’s voice before he hit puberty sounded nothing like a boy. They even had gigs with only five people to entertain! But they never gave up.
Look how far they’ve come now. They are still very young, (the eldest band member is only 22 years old) yet, they are still more successful than most bands in this stage.
You might think that they can cope with peer pressure because they might not have family problems; their parents give them sufficient love...well, no.
When Bill and Tom were seven years old, their parents separated. They said they couldn’t accept it at first, but they learned. They wanted their mother to be happy. They didn’t pick the rotten apple, the picked the red one. I think that’s why they are so strong in handling life. They don’t ‘use’ bad experiences as a reason or excuse to be depressed, easily influenced, or fragile. They use it as a shield to live life happily.
Even though Bill looks like a rebel in distress, don’t get fooled. He is a cheerful boy. So cheerful, you can’t believe the real him!
I repeat, I’m not saying you have to be exactly like Bill (his style), I’m just saying he’s an inspiration as a person who dealt with peer pressure well.
Never let anything let you down. Is it worth wasting a second in life being sad?
Think about it.:)
Sofia Khairuddin
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